Specialist Provision

Specialist Provision

21st Century Multilingualism 


Sha Tin Junior School and ESF Kindergarten are where the majority of translanguaging will take place before moving into the next phase of being multi/bilingual and educated in English in the secondary sections of Sha Tin College. 


At SJS we take language acquisition seriously and we work hard to meet our learners' needs. Currently, we offer three language projects as shared below.


Fingerprint of language project

biliterate and trilingual abilities

Belonging work and inclusion  

The status of all languages 

  • Specifically clear and realistic competencies in English and Mandarin
  • Supporting (Mother Tongue) Home Language Development
  • Understanding English and Mandarin as a keys to economic prosperity
  • Success within the system (Importance of mastery of English) 
  • Culture is an integral part of language learning. Students expand their understanding of Chinese culture through meaningful engagements, utilising community resources.
  • Personalisation and meeting learners and their families where they are.
  • We are very clear on how to support language learning.
  • Language learning and multilingualism has  to be effective for all children not just our English and Chinese students (aligned with IB Language Policy) Language and Learning in IB Programmes (2014)
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