Like all of the schools within the ESF family, Sha Tin Junior School is led by some of the most talented and experienced educationalists to be found in any school in any part of the world. Led by our Principal, Dr. Rehana Shanks, the team of Vice Principals, and other key staff make sure that we are taking every opportunity to help our students be the best that they can be.
Meet our Leadership Team here

Student Voice
Our students are always encouraged to express themselves, offer their opinions and ask questions. This doesn't just happen in the classroom, it is something that is embedded into the way that we work with our students.
Our Student Council has representatives from Y2-Y6 - and they are actively involved in the running of their school.
School Council
The Sha Tin Junior School Council plays an incredibly important role in the governance of the school. Made up of representatives from the community, from our staff and our students and their parents, the Council makes sure that we prioritise the right things, spend our money wisely and recruit the right people.
Meet the School Council here

We think that Sha Tin Junior School is a pretty wonderful place - but don't just take our word for it! Our parents, community members and alumni have some great things to say about us too.
Find out what people think and say about us here