



It has been a fun journey because it has taught me how to organise my time better, and go to meetings on time, as well as being responsible. I hope in the future we can do more activities and make the school a place for people who are from different places to feel like they are home.  I also hope future house captains can be as responsible as us this year.


Ethan W - Y6 Student, Dragon House Captain, Class of 2024


Being a House Captain has given me many great opportunities and helped me grow throughout Year 6. If you want to know what it’s like, you should know that it is a lot of fun! However, responsibility comes along with it as well. I learned how to manage myself, work with deadlines and manage time as well. Being a House Captain is an amazing and rewarding experience. I feel very grateful to be able to give back to this school that has helped me grow over the last 5 years.


Kairvi K - Y6 Student, Banyan House Captain, Class of 2024





“Seeing my children’s happy faces at pick-up time has become one of the best moments of my everyday routine. I love how SJS has cultivated a culture of kindness and respect, and a friendly atmosphere that encourages every student to thrive.


Mother of Y1 & Y3

“The values taught at SJS go beyond the classroom. My child has not only excelled academically but has also learned compassion, kindness, and responsibility.

Father of Y6 Student


We particularly enjoy sports day where the spirit of the community joins together.
When everyone is cheering for their houses and friends, the atmosphere and applause from the stadium were simply electrifying!

My son enjoys his enrichment reading club, where he is given the opportunity to collaborate in a team and has different roles each week; his favourite so far is being an illustrator.

Parent of Y3 & Y5



IBO Evaluation Team



Sha Tin Junior School (SJS) is a dynamic and inclusive community dedicated to providing a holistic IB education. 

The school provides opportunities for student agency, global citizenship, and strong parent-teacher partnerships. 

Key achievements include the implementation of the Global Goals Award Scheme and increased student engagement. SJS is committed to fostering a positive learning environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential.


IBO Evaluation Team - Nov 2023

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