Student Voice

Student Voice


SJS cultivates multiple opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills, express their voices and points of view, contribute to the SJS community, develop their sense of agency, and help shape the culture of the school.



Who is on the student council?


  • One student from every class from 1.1 all the way to 6.5
    (Year 1 will join us after the October half-term holiday)
  • There will be two members of staff that will support the work of the student council
  • Mrs Shanks, a Parent Representative, and other teachers will also join us sometimes 
  • Even if you have been on the Student Council before, or are in the running to be a House Captain, you can still put yourself forward to be elected onto the Student Council


Who is an environmental Rep?


  • There will be 1 Environmental Rep from each class from 1.1 up to 6.5
  • Children who care about nature
  • Children who like to make a difference
  • Good speakers and listeners
  • Children with ideas to share
  • Principled and responsible children


Who are the CARE reps?


  • Children’s Action for Rights for Everyone
  • A caring voice for the children at SJS
  • An SJS CARE rep helps ensure every member of our school community is aware of children’s rights and the Global Goals
  • We will meet weekly and be proactive in improving life for children in the school by raising concerns that have arisen from discussions within their class discussions
  • We will work with the other groups within the school to help make improvements to the school whenever possible. The CARE reps will be key at identifying issues that are important to them and tackling them


Year 6 House Captains


The Role of a House Captain:


  • Promote participation
  • Represent the school community 
  • Take action
  • Lead House activity and competitions
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